电子邮箱: lixuefeng@tongji.edu.cn
检测技术与自动化装置 、模式识别与智能系统、声光信号处理及新型光谱探测技术
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,耐辐射光纤声发射传感器和应力腐蚀开裂原位检测方法研究,2022-2025,在研,主持
2. 纵向项目,XX传感器研究,2021-2024,在研,主持
3. 教育部/广东省重点实验室开放课题,模块化光纤智能感知系统研究,2022-2023,在研,主持
4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,复杂环境多鱼眼相机协同结构化vSLAM 及评估体系研究,2019-2022,在研,参加
5. 上海市科学技术委员会,多功能智慧灯杆系统应用技术标准研究,2020-2023,在研,参加
6. 纵向项目,XX检测技术研究,2020-2021,结题,主持
7. 同济大学中央高校基础科研业务费,高光谱成像技术在血糖特征信息提取中的应用研究,2019,结题,主持
8. 横向课题,故障参数及预测模型分析,2019-2020,结题,主持
1. Shiqi Hou, Yongrui Qin, Jiaxin Gao, Fuyong Lyu, and Xuefeng Li*, Intelligent Monitoring System Based on Optical Fiber Acoustic Emission Sensor and Its Application in Partial Discharge Diagnosis of Gas-insulated Switchgear, Sensaors and Materials, 33(4), 1127-1136, 2021.4
2. Shiqi Yu, Chunya Qian, Qi Zhou, Lujie Wang, Hui Xiao, Song Ye, Xuefeng Li*, Wide-range Optical Fiber Temperature Sensor Based on Up-conversion Luminescent Nanocrystals, Optics letters, Opt. Lett. 46(7), 1600-1603, 2021.4
3. Li Xuefeng, Zang Han, Qian Chunya, Ou Yanghui, Shen Runjie, and Xiao Hui*, A New Type of Structure of Optical Fiber Pressure Sensor Based on Polarization Modulation, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 130:106095, 2020.7
4. 郭壮, 覃泳睿, 唐骏龙, 谢旭光, 李雪峰*, 基于异质平均场复杂网络模型的新型冠状病毒传染性分析, 系统仿真技术, 16(2):, 2020.6
5. Li Xuefeng, Qian Chunya, Shen Runjie, Xiao Hui, and Ye Song*, Study of Optical Fiber Cryogenic Temperature Sensor for Quench Detection of High Temperature Superconductors, Optics Express, 28(6): 8233-8239, 2020.3
6. Li Xuefeng, Cao Hexin, Chang Zhiming, Zhang Xinyu, Zhao Weishi, and Shen Runjie*, A Fiber Optic Ultrasonic Sensor Using Polarization-maintaining Fiber for Partial Discharge Monitoring, Sensors and Materials, 31(5):1407-1417, 2019.5
7. Shen Runjie, Ou Yanghui, Zhou Ying, Zhao Weishi, and Li Xuefeng*, Partial Discharge Detection and Characteristics of GIS Free Metal Particles Based on Acoustic Emission, Sensaors and Materials, 31(5):1467-1475, 2019.5
8. Cai Huiling, Shen Shoupeng, Lin Qingcheng, Li Xuefeng*, and Xiao Hui*, Predicting the Energy Consumption of Residential Buildings for Regional Electricity Supply-side and Demand-side Management, IEEE Access, 7(1): 30386-30397, 2019.3
9. Li Xuefeng, Qian Chunya, Shen Runjie, Xiao Hui, Zhao Weishi, and Ye Song*, A Fluorescence Fiber Optic Temperature Sensor Based on Fused Upconversion Luminescent Nanoparticles, Optics Express, 26(23): 30753-30761, 2018.11
10. Li Xuefeng, Zhang Yin, Cao Hexin, Zhang Xinyu, and Shen Runjie*, Highly Sensitive Acoustic Emission Sensor Based on Polarization-maintaining and Absorption-reducing Polarization-maintaining Fiber, Sensors and Materials, 30(5):1145-1153, 2018.5
11. Li Xuefeng, Shao Yujiao, Yu Yuan, Zhang Yin, and Shen Runjie* , Characteristic of Acoustic Emission Signal from Stress Corrosion Cracking in Low-Carbon Nitrogen-Enhanced Stainless Steel, Sensors and Materials, 29(9):1305-1313, 2017.9
12. Li Xuefeng*, Shao Yujiao, Yu Yuan, Zhang Yin, and Wei Shaowen, A Highly Sensitive Fiber-optic Fabry-Perot Interferometer Based on Internal Reflection Mirrors for Refractive Index Measurement, Sensors-Basel, 16(6), 794, 2016.5
13. Li Xuefeng*,Liang Jinxing,and Ueda Toshitsugu, Applied technique of focused ion beam milling based on microstructure of photonic bandgap fiber,International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 68 (1-4):465-471, 2013
14. Li Xuefeng*, Liang Jinxing, Lin Shuo, Zimin Yury, Zhang Yupeng, and Ueda Toshitsugu, NIR Spectrum Analysis of Natural Gas Based on Hollow-Core Photonic Bandgap Fiber, IEEE sensors Journal, 12(7):2362-2367, 2012.7
15. Li Xuefeng*, Lin Shuo, Liang Jinxing, Oigawa Hiroshi and Ueda Toshitsugu, High Sensitivity Fiber-Optic Fabry-Perot Interferometer Temperature sensor, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 51(6):06FL10, 2012.6
16. Li Xuefeng*, Lin Shuo, Liang Jinxing, Oigawa Hiroshi and Ueda Toshitsugu,, Fiber-Optic Temperature Sensor Based on Difference of Thermal Expansion Coefficient between Fused Silica and Metallic Materials, IEEE Photonics Journal, 4(1), 155-162, 2012.2
17. Li Xuefeng*, Liang Jinxing, Zimin Yury, Zhang Yupeng, Lin Shuo and Ueda Toshitsugu, U-Band Wavelength References Based on Photonic Bandgap Fiber Technology, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 29(19), 2934-2939, 2011.10
18. Li Xuefeng*, Liang Jinxing and Ueda Toshitsugu, Doubled Optical Path Length for Photonic Bandgap Fiber Gas Cell Using Micromirror, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 50(6):06GM01, 2011.6
19. Li Xuefeng*, Joanna Pawlat, Liang Jinxing and Ueda Toshitsugu, Measurement of Low Gas Concentrations Using Photonic Bandgap Fiber Cell, IEEE sensors Journal, 10(6):1156-1161, 2010.6
20. Li Xuefeng*, Joanna Pawlat, Liang Jinxing, Xu guan and Ueda Toshitsugu, Fabrication of Photonic Bandgap Fiber Gas Cell Using Focused Ion Beam Cutting, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 48(6):06FK05, 2009.6
21. 教材-建筑智能化系统及应用, 机械工业出版, ISBM: 978-7-111-68788-7,副主编,2021
22. 多功能智慧灯杆系统应用技术标准, T/CIES 029-2019,主要起草人,2020
23. 标准-基于窄带物联网(NB-IoT)的道路照明智能控制系统技术规范,T/CSA 052-2018/CIES 015-2017,主要起草人,2017